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Real Estate Listing Data Extractor

Extracts key information from any real-estate listing you provide using AI.

This automation scrapes any real estate listing you provide and has AI extract key information like number of bedrooms, bathrooms, address, availability date etc.

Additionally, it can gather other relevant details such as the property's price, square footage, and any special features mentioned in the listing, providing a comprehensive overview of the real estate property.

How it works

All you have to do is provide the URL of the listing you want scraped! If you want to run this on many listings, simply swap in a node at the beginning that can load in many links like a Google Sheets reading node or a csv file reader.

Automate Data Extraction: Save time by automating the process of extracting real estate listing information.

Customizable Input: Easily modify the input criteria to fit your specific needs.

Efficient Management: Handle large volumes of listing URLs with ease.

The Real Estate Listing Data Extractor is one of thousands of tools you can build on Gumloop. Hopefully it's useful in the following ways:

Time-Saving: Automate the data extraction process, reducing manual effort.

Consistency: Ensure consistent and accurate data extraction based on predefined criteria.

Customization: Tailor the data extraction criteria to match your specific needs.

Customize Gumloop However You Want
The Real Estate Listing Data Extractor template is highly flexible and can be customized to include additional AI-powered analysis, such as sentiment analysis or keyword extraction, to further enhance the data extraction process.